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VCarve Pro from Vectric

VCarve Pro from Vectric

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799,00 €
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The complete software solution for CNC Routing, Sign Making, Wood Carving & Engraving at a truly remarkable price!

VCarve Pro provide a powerful but intuitive software solution for 2D design and calculation of 2D and 2.5D toolpaths for cutting parts on a CNC Router. It includes the functionality demanded by commercial shops and users, while remaining incredibly easy to use and affordably priced. VCarve Pro is used by cabiner makers, wood workers, sign makers, prop makers, plastic fabricators, hobbyists and in many other applications.

The software can import 2D designs from other programs but also includes a full set of drawing and editing tools with advanced layout options such as True-Shape Nesting. The toolpath options cover all typical 2D routing operations such as Profiling, Pocketing, Auto-Inlays and Drilling as well as 2.5D strategies such as V-Carving, Prism carving, Fluting and even a decorative Texturing strategy. Each toolpath includes appropriate options to customize the settings and provide a high level of control for different types of operation. In addition all toolpaths can be previewed to show just how the part will look when it is actually cut, this allows instant feedback to allow toolpaths to be further optimized.


  • Complete set of 2D Design and Layout Tools
  • Layer control, Guide lines, Snap Grid
  • True Shape Nesting maximizes material usage minimizing waste
  • Text Editing + Single Line Engraving Fonts
  • File Import - DWG, DXF, EPS, AI, PDF
  • Image File Import - BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF
  • Vectorize images to create vectors for machining
  • Robust V-Carving
  • Raised 3D Prism machining
  • Auto-Inlays with multiple options
  • 3D Random Texturing Toolpath
  • 2D Profiling with Interactive Tabs / Bridges, Lead and Ramp options
  • Pocketing with optimization for 2 cutters
  • Drilling with option for Peck Drilling
  • Beveled Letters
  • Custom Molding and Form Cutters
  • Wrapped Rotary Axis Machining
  • Multi-color Toolpath Previews

Vector Shape Creation

The software has a comprehensive set of drawing tools to let you easily create vectors from scratch or add to imported data. These include options for creating standard shapes (circle, elipse, rectangle, polygon and star) along with line, curve and arc drawing tools. These tools can be controlled using typed input to create exact sized objects or can be used dynamically with the mouse to sketch your artwork. The tools also take advantage of the 'snapping' to let you use points on existing objects to 'snap' onto when you are drawing vectors.

Image Tracing (Vectorization)

Image Tracing also known as Vectorization allows you to take an imported image such as a scanned drawing, graphic design or photo and to convert colors in that to vector outlines. These outlines can then be used as part of your design to create toolpaths or combine with other 2D vector data.

Advanced Text Tools

The Advanced Text Tools let you access True Type or Open Type fonts on your PC to create text outlines for your design. In addition the software comes with a selection of specialist Single Stroke / Stick Engraving Fonts for efficient machining when making things like badges or small signs. The text can be controlled using automatic sizing and layout options. There are also editing tools for Fitting Text to a Curve and interactive text arcing and spacing (kerning).

Import 2D data (DXF, DWG, EPS, AI etc. )

Data can be imported from a huge range of other design programs using a variety of industry standard file formats. These include DXF, EPS, AI as well as PDF files (if they contain vector data). Once imported, the program has a wide range of tools to make working with this data as efficient as possible.

A very important set of tools are those used to identify duplicate vectors and identify and rejoin open vectors. These tool can save an enormous amount of time when working with poor quality data in getting it ready to machine.

As well as importing data from other programs the software also offers the ability to export your data in either DXF, EPS or AI file formats. This feature is very important if you need to share data with your customer in order that they can use it to plan a layout or installation.

Basic Dimensioning

The Dimensioning tools allows you to create a variety of different types of measurements on your drawing. These can be oriented in any direction or fixed horizontally or vertically. There are also options to add angular and arc dimensions. You can control the text height, font number of decimal places and position for each one.

Vector Transform & Editing

Whether your design vectors have been created in the software or imported you have a large choice of editing options to prepare your part for toolpath creation or modeling. Vectors can be easily scaled, moved, mirrored, distorted, grouped, welded, trimmed, extended, offset, smoothed and joined together. As with the drawing tools you either have precise control over the editing values adjust the vectors very accuratley or can use the mouse to dynamically make adjustments until your layout looks correct.

Vector Layout

In addition to the editing tools the software also has tools to let you layout parts either in a rectangular array to create a grid of objects or in a circular array to create symmetrical layouts around a center point. Vectors can also be pasted along a vector by specifying the distance between each copy or just fitting a specific number on the guiding object.

True Shape Nesting

True Shape Nesting lets you automatically arrange and fit vector shapes into your material size or user definable area, to get optimal material usage and minimum wastage.

Part Nesting is perfect for Sign and Cabinet makers who need to minimize material wastage and cut as many parts – letters & cabinet doors / panels – as possible from sheet materials.

Reduce Material Costs = Increased Profits

The nesting routine places vector shapes as close to each other as possible ensuring a sufficient gap to allow the parts to be cut out correctly. The nesting includes options to control part direction with regard to things like material grain or machine orientation.

Layer Management

The Layers are a very efficient way to keep your 2D data organized. They can be used however it suits the way a person likes to work or can be employed to optimize the way a part is toolpathed.

One of the main uses of Layers is to allow you to temporarily hide data you were not currently working with. Layers could also be used to group vectors you might want to select for a specific operation. The ability to associate toolpaths with layers and types of data means you can create Toolpath Templates which can be assigned to other VCarve Pro parts that share the same structure. This is particularly powerful for applications like Cabinet Making where different designs can be automatically machined once a template has been set-up.

Rulers, Snap Grid and Guidelines

Rulers, Snap Grid and Guidelines help make vector drawing and layout easier and more accurate. These options can be switched on / off as required along with Snapping options that automatically detect and snap the cursor to key regions on a design.

Material Setup

Referencing the software to how your CNC will be setup is one of the most important elements of the process. A summary of the Material Setup is displayed at the top of the Toolpath Tab allowing you to quickly check the settings before you start calculating toolpaths. Any of these values can be easily adjusted to change the tool reference for its X,Y or Z zero location, adjust the position where your machine starts from or specify the distance to ensure the tool lifts above any clamping that is being used.

2D Production Profiling

Using the profiling toolpath strategy, objects can be cut out quickly and efficiently. Simply select the vector shapes you wish to profile, select the tool from the tool database and the software will do the rest. The Profiling automatically offsets for the tool radius and sorts nested shapes to ensure that inner shapes such as the center of a letter 'O' are cut before the outer shape (so parts are not released from the material before they are cut). Full control of cut direction is offered along with either automatic or manual control of tool entry point for each shape.

Profile Machining includes production cutting options that ensure parts can be held in place and accurately machined with high quality edges and corner detail.

  • Angular "3D" Tabs for smoother profiling plus advanced options for automatic positioning to hold parts in place when machining
  • Lead In / Out and Overcut distance to prevent dwell marks appearing on components
  • Advanced Ramp options for controlling how the cutter enters the material, reducing heat build-up and cutter wear
  • Profile around the Outside / Inside of open shapes
  • Sharp internal and external beveled edges and corners

Cutouts can be done in multiple passes depending on the maximum cutting depth of the tool used and a positive or negative allowance can be specified to either 'under cut' or 'overcut' the shape if required. The number of passes on a cut can be edited very precisely to allow very thin final cuts or to individual add or remove particular cut depths.

A very powerful feature is the ability to specify that square corners are required. This is often used when profiling with a V-Bit tool, where with a conventional toolpath the tool will 'roll' round a sharp external corner leaving a radius on the chamfer created by the tool, with the 'square corners' option an angular chamfer will be created.i

The Profile toolpath is probably the most important toolpath option available. It is used for some of the simplest and also the most complex things you may do with your CNC. The software has been structured to let you customize whether you just want simple options for quick cut-outs or whether you want to access more advanced features to control cutting on particular material. This allows both new and experienced users to decide how much information they need to be presented with when creating this frequently used function.

Fast and Efficient Pocketing – optimizes use of two tools

The Pocket toolpath makes machining the material away from inside a vector shape efficient and easy to achieve. Just select all the vectors defining the shapes you want to cut and the program will sort the vectors to identify islands automatically and offset the boundaries for the selected tool radius.

If the Z depth of the pocket exceeds the specified maximum allowed cutting depth for the tool in a single pass, the software will automatically generate multiple passes.

Either climb or conventional cutting directions can be specified in order to produce the best edge finish for your selection of material and cutter. The tool can also be ramped into the job to reduce cutter stress when entering the material.


Whether you are drilling a single hole or hundreds, just select the vectors representing the holes and the software will drill the center of each vector to the specified depth. The grouping feature makes it easy to associate all vectors for a particular toolpath strategy together so only one needs to be selected. The tool database includes a dedicated drill tool type so that the true tool geometry can be seen in the toolpath previews.

As well as a single Z plunge you also have the option to activate Peck Drilling, which drills to a specified depth, retracts the tool to clear the chips, drills down to the next step, retracts the tool and so on until the required finish depth is reached.

Precision V-Carving

V-Carving uses a constant angled cutter that's moved at flowing variable depth to create a 3D carved effect on the job, similar to the way a craftsman would work by hand. The software automatically calculates a path defined by the combination of the angle of the tool specified and the width and shape of the vectors being machined.

The extremely fast and robust Vectric VCarving engine handles complex designs with ease providing both fast calculation speed and robust handling of imperfect data.

As well as 'simple' VCarving, the software supports many advanced VCarving strategies, such as 'Flat Bottomed' v-carving, optionally using a second flat bottom tool to optimally clear out the flat areas. Another advanced capability is the support for v-carving areas wider than the tool by making multiple clearance passes to achieve the required depth.

Raised Prism Machining

The Raised Prism machining strategy is prefect for cutting high quality raised lettering and shapes on signs for restaurants, hotels and bars etc. that look hand-made.

Raised Prism carving uses the side angle of V cutters to rapidly form angled sides around the selected shapes.
Automatically calculates the material thickness required to create a full prism based on the job size and cutter angle.
Calculates multiple Z passes when rough machining is required to remove material from around the prism shape.
Typically used when cutting raised lettering on signs.

Fluting Toolpaths - Ramp In / Out

Fluting is a special toolpath type for cutting tapered grooves often known as ‘Flutes’ by ramping the cutter into and out of the material. When using this toolpath the software drives the tool along the center of the vector giving you control over the way the tool ramps into the start and end of each selected object. This has many interesting applications outside of just the standard uses you would expect for this type of operation.

Perfect for:

Woodworking and solid surface machining.
Flutes on columns and fireplaces
Drainage grooves on kitchen sink and shower units
Options for ramping in and out to create unique decorative results

Efficient Texture Toolpath

Textured panels are often specified by interior designers and architects and textures are also a very useful option for creating backgrounds on dimensional signs. Vectric has a unique approach to generate unique 'hand carved' looking textures which still machine extremely efficiently.

Once you specify a tool (typically a pointed or round profile) then you have various settings you can set to create the characteristics of your texture toolpath. To give these textures a more natural and less machine made look you can set different levels of randomness. The toolpath will replicate the same type of move that would be made by someone using a chisel to carve overlapping strokes into the material. Creating this as a toolpath move (rather than as a 3D model) will minimize the hand-finishing and also the machining time required to cut this.

Textures can also be 'trimmed' to a vector boundary allowing the creation of this type of finish in a background area of a job. This is a look very popular with sign makers using Vectric Software.

Auto-Inlay Toolpaths

The Auto-Inlay toolpath options calculate profile cut-out and pocketing toolpaths for parts that need to be assembled to make inlays and inserts.

Automatic cutter radius compensation on corner regions to ensure male shapes will fit into female pockets or cavities
Allowance option to ensure a sufficient 'gap' is created to allow parts to fit together
4 different Inlay options that are designed to make machining inlays very simple and straightforward (straight, stepped, pocket and hole)
Ideal toolpath option for sign makers, woodworkers, plastic and solid surface fabricators who need to cut parts that fit closely together

High Quality Toolpath Preview

One of the most important productivity tools available in the software is the realistic 3D toolpath preview support. The results of each individual or the combination of all the toolpaths can be previewed cutting into a 3D preview model. This means that whether your job is a simple toolpath with one tool, or created from a complex combination of tools and strategies at different levels you can be sure that when the job is cut, it is right first time.

As well as showing that the toolpaths are correct, the high quality rendering and ability to use real world material textures and fill colors is a very valuable sales tool. Using the simulation you can create customer proofs and evaluate design options without actually having to cut anything!

Estimated Machining Times

To help estimate how long toolpaths will take to cut the software will calculate a time based on the length of the toolpath and the specified feeds and speeds that have been entered for the selected tool. This can be tweaked by the operator by editing the 'Scale Factor' so over time a value can be optimized based on actual machine performance to ensure the estimate is as close as possible to the actual cutting time.

Toolpath Tiling – Divides toolpaths to fit material or machine limits

Using the Toolpath Tiling options it is possible to machine objects and designs that are many times larger than the available area of your CNC machine bed.

This process is also invaluable if the maximum sizes of your material pieces are limited. In both cases, a much larger project can still be machined by breaking the toolpath down into manageable tiles or strips, each of which can fit within the machineable area of your CNC machine, or on the available material blocks.

Once cut, the tiles can then be re-assembled to form the finished piece.

Toolpath Templates

Toolpath templates allow you to improve the efficiency of your production processes by saving the complete toolpath settings for common operations. These settings can then be re-used at any time on different design geometry. Frequently used strategies and tooling can thus be applied to similar jobs, quickly and easily.

Form Tools - custom shaped cutter profiles

The software allows you to add your own custom tools shapes to the tool library and generate toolpaths and simulate the finished result!

Now you can simulate the effects of complex Roman Ogee cutters, Round Over bits and any other custom tool shape you desire. Simply draw the tool profile using the vector drawing tools or import the profile from the manufacturer and you can add your custom tool to the list. In the tool database you can specify feed rates, spindle speeds, cutting depths etc. in the same way that you do for any of the standard tool types.

Wrapped Rotary Axis Toolpaths

Wrapped Rotary Axis Toolpath postprocessing allows all toolpaths created in the software to be saved and run on CNC machines fitted with rotary axis or rotary indexer setups. These setup functions also allow you to specify your rotary part setup and view the wrapped results in the 3D view.

This function can be used for designing and cutting projects such as fluted columns and barley twists or engraving text onto round projects.

Note: This functionality wraps standard 3 axis toolpaths around a cylindrical axis, substituting one of the linear axis to drive the rotation of the block of material while it is being cut.

Production Plate Engraving

Production Plate Engraving lets you merge text lists into templates for badges and industrial plates. It can be used to merge CSV and text based lists using variables that can automatically scale to fit a pre-made design layout.

Quick Engrave for Diamond drag tools

Quick Engrave can be used to create toolpaths for Diamond drag tooling. This is typically used for marking engraved products such as gifts, awards, plaques, badges, pens, trophies etc.

Import Toolpaths from other Vectric Programs

Toolpaths generated in PhotoVCarve, Cut3D or Vector Art 3D Machinist can be imported into the VCArve Pro to combine with other toolpath types.

Multiple projects can be imported and positioned, where additional elements can then be added and machined. All of the toolpaths can then be previewed and saved from the software.

Please Note: PhotoVCarve, Cut3D and Vector Art 3D Machinist are separate products.


The contents of either the 2D or 3D Preview view can now be printed using the Print command on the File menu. Simply select the view you wish to print (2D or 3D) and then click the Print command. The standard Windows printer dialog allows you to select the printer and adjust its properties. When the OK button in this dialog is clicked, the view will be printed.

The Print Preview command on the File menu allows you to check the layout of your page before you print. The printed view is always scaled to exactly fit the currently selected page size (including allowance for margins). Drawings are not, therefore, printed at actual size and are not printed across multiple pages.

File Thumbnails

Files saved from the software (*.CRV) include a thumbnail image. Windows Explorer can make use of these thumbnails to show you a preview of each file when you browse a folder.

The software also supports Windows drag and drop functionality to quickly add pieces of 2D into an existing file directly from Windows Explorer. With Windows Explorer open, simply click and drag the 2D clipart thumbnail of the file you want from the Explorer Window into the 2D View. The selected file will be imported automatically and displayed in the software

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